Free CloudApp Download And Short Review

Free CloudApp Download

Mac OS X has a new toy to play with, it is called CloudApp. CloudApp is a file sharing application which uses the drag and drop upload system so that instead of clicking the old and boring “Browse” button and searching for the file you want to upload, you just have to find your file then drag and drop it into CloudApp. CloudApp automatically uploads the file and copies the uploaded file’s link to your clipboard. Uploading images, music, videos, files and links has never been easier than it is today with just a free CloudApp download.

Free CloudApp Download Link And Short Review

You can trust CloudApp to take care of your files. The application is powered by Heroku and Amazon’s Simple Storage Service. Files are redundantly stored on multiple devices across multiple storage facilities preventing data corruption and loss.

CloudApp for Mac OS X is not limited to its own functionality. Instead, there are several CloudApp plugins (called Raindrops) that you can use to enhance the software.

The new CloudApp application also has its competitors, like Dropbox, which is a very popular file sharing app. The only thing that keeps CloudApp on top of the list is its improved functionality, allowing the application to upload files quicker.

CloudApp is available for free download only for Mac OS X platforms.