Firefox 1.1 for Nokia 900′s Maemo now available

Firefox 1.1 for Nokia 900′s

As the title suggests, we now have another viable option when it comes to phone browsers: the new Firefox 1.1. Last time we talked about Mozilla, it was about the release of the Mozilla Firefox 3.6.4 and the Firefox beta build 7, but now we’re going to take a look at the Firefox 1.1, which seems to be a promising sequel in the field of browsers for mobile devices.

The Firefox 1.1 will be available for Nokia N900 and Nokia N810 and has many interesting features. Amongst them, one can notice the Site Menu that will help users to easily Save to PDF, recover lost passwords or change preferences. One other useful new feature is called Portrait Browsing and it refers to the ability of rotating and resizing sites in order to fit to page that Firefox now has. This option can be useful, as some sites, designed for the portrait view, can now be accessed the way they’re meant to be. Furthermore, the Start page has been redesigned, now displaying a list of all the previously accessed tabs and the possibility to easily manage a couple of add-ons.

Firefox 1.1 for Nokia 900’s Maemo now available

Other additions to the old Maemo 1.0 include the free-zooming option that is now available by using the side buttons of the device and what is called Form Auto-complete. The latter will dramatically increase the speed by which users fill in forms they frequently use (personal details, subscription forms, etc) by suggesting the most often used phrases. Continuing to make the portable version of Firefox look more and more like the ones used on PCs, Mozilla have also introduced the Self-Updating Add-ons, meaning that once every couple of days, the device will search for any new version of the already installed add-ons and will download and install them without any further intervention from the user. Still, the manual upgrade will be available by selecting the Update button in the Add-ons Manager.

Last, but not least, Mozilla has also introduced the crash reports for the mobile browser, hoping to get even more feedback from users who are experiencing problems. In my opinion, this addition, collaborated with the others make the new Firefox 1.1 a way better browser than before and I hope to see it on more and more devices as soon as possible. My favourite new feature is the Save to PDF option which saves you time and the stress of not knowing how to better save a web-page.