Some T-Mobile G2′s show hinges problem. Some come with only 2 GB of internal memory

Some T-Mobile G2′s show hinges problem

Ok, so let’s say you finally made up your mind and got yourself a T-Mobile G2 (by HTC). You chose this smartphone over an iPhone 4, a Galaxy S class smartphone, the HTC Evo and such. And from a lot of viewpoints, it would look like you made a good choice. Only that when you actually get the phone, you might encounter one of two very disturbing problems.

The first problem is that the hinges connecting the keyboard to the screen on the T-Mobile G2 have developed (in some cases) a mind of their own (and they are not very smart). Some G2 units don’t seem to like being held upside down. They manifest their disapproval by opening up the phone. Some G2’s also doesn’t like it when you’re texting in bed. Thus, when held in a position that would allow you to text while in bed, some G2’s snap shut. Bot these issues are perfectly illustrated in the video below.

The second problem encountered by G2 users is that some phones have been shipped with only 2GB of internal storage space, instead of 4GB, as promised.

Some T-Mobile G2’s show hinges problem. Some come with only 2 GB of internal memory

If you did not encounter any of these two problems on your T-Mobile G2, you shouldn’t have too many reasons not to be satisfied with your choice. If you did, maybe you’re just unlucky.