XOBNI for BlackBerry now 80% off sale, only $1.99 instead of $9.99

XOBNI for BlackBerry now 80% off sale

Yes, just $1.99 for a limited time to get XOBNI on your BlackBerry. This is an awesome holiday sale for the best contact management app available on this phone. If you ever used XOBNI for Outlook you know what an impressive software package this is.

Head of Mobile Product Development at Xobni, Michael Albers said in some statements that they are all very excited because all the positive reviews they’ve received from the users and the BlackBerry blogging community on the mobile app. So, thanks to that they are doing a holiday promotion to get even more people using the product.

XOBNI (inbox backwards) for BlackBerry features include:

  • Automatically created profiles for every person with whom you’ve ever communicated. Complete with photos, contact info, recent emails, calls, texts, info from LinkedIn/Facebook and more.
  • Ranked by importance. The people you communicate with the most are at the top.
  • Lightning fast search by name or company name shows each person’s profile.
  • Instant access to all your Xobni Contacts in the BlackBerry® compose screen.
  • Xobni scans all new emails; creating profiles and adding contact info real-time.
  • Access all your Xobni Contacts in the BlackBerry® compose screen.
  • Click an email address in Xobni to instantly send an email.
  • Click-to-call for any contact in Xobni.
  • Schedule or view past meetings, for your Xobni contacts with one-click to the BlackBerry® Calendar.
  • Xobni is connected with LinkedIn, Facebook and your email social network.
  • Xobni displays and ranks your top contacts based on those frequently emailed.
  • Connect Xobni on your BlackBerry with Outlook to recover 10x the contacts.

Having said that, this app is essential for anyone who has a lot of contacts so grab it now while it’s on sale.

via: Blackberry Blast