Sims 3 Cheat Codes For Simoleons (Sims 3 Money) And More

Sims 3 Cheat Codes

I, personally, am not a big fan of the Sims video game series: I played the first game in the series but never felt like it is my type of game. But my girlfriend is a huge Sims 3 fan, which can be a pain from time to time (I mean, she spends hours playing Sims 3, during which she totally blocks out any communication with the outside world). This is why today we will talk about the Sims 3 Cheat codes that you can use for more Simoleons (that’s Sims money) and various other unfair advantages.

Please note that these cheats can be useful either that you like the game or don’t like it but someone else plays it too much. Most of what my girlfriend was doing is bullying her poor Sims to work and such not, just so she gets more money to decorate the house. Now that she has the cheats, she actually spends less time playing .

ims 3 Cheat Codes For Free Simoleons (Sims 3 Money) And More

Ok, so here is what you should do to :

  1. Activate the Sims 3 console window by pressing [Ctrl] + [Shift] + C. If you are using Windows Vista, you might need to press [Ctrl] + [Windows] + [Shift] + C for the console window (don’t ask me why, but it does happen from time to time).
  2. Enter one of the following Sims 3 Cheat codes:

help” to display a list of more cheats.

Kaching” to receive 1,000 Simoleons

Motherlode” for 50,000 Simoleons

resetSim [first_name] [last_name]” to reset the Sim

Enter “resetlifetimehappiness” to reset the all-time happiness your Sims have

Delete object” to delete a certain Sims 3 object.

constrainFloorElevation [true/false]” forces any future terrain adjustments despite other elements around it

disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on/off]” decides if objects will should snap into slots when you press Alt

Type in “fadeObject [on/off]” to control the object fading when camera gets close

jokePlease” to print a random joke in the console

and there are even more Sims 3 cheat codes, but these are the ones you are most likely to use (for a more detailed list, visit the page here).

Note: I have nothing against my girlfriend playing games (in fact, it’s very cool), but I feel like the Sapphire HD5770 I just installed on the computer is worthy of at leas experimenting more visually-exciting games.

Hope this was useful…

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Tags: Sims 3, Sims 3 Cheat Codes, Sims 3 Cheats, Sims 3 lifetime happiness, Sims 3 Money Cheat, Sims 3 Simoleons Cheat Code, video game cheats

2 Responses to “Sims 3 Cheat Codes For Simoleons (Sims 3 Money) And More”

  1. Sims 3 Set for PS3, Xbox, Wii and DS «Free PC Guides

    28. Apr, 2010
    […] : If you’re looking for some Sims 3 cheats, here are a few of them. […]Reply to this comment
  2. » Sims 3 Set for PS3, Xbox, Wii and DS

    29. Apr, 2010
    […] P.S. : If you’re looking for some Sims 3 cheats, here are a few of them. […]Reply to this comment