In a world of science and communication, people have to learn to protect themselves from different threats. While some may be imminent, others can be fought off and this is also the case of computer viruses, thus the fast growth the anti-virus market has “suffered” during the past years. Still, there are a number of programs that have managed to impose themselves as leaders and AVG is one of them. Their latest released version is the AVG Anti-Virus 2011 and is supposed to be a real success; let’s take a look if that really is so.
First of all, the interface has been completely redesigned, taking into consideration feedback received from more than 110 million members of the AVG community. This should enhance easier access to menus and options and provide a better and faster configurable program. We all know how annoying some anti-viruses can get when they start prompting you for permissions every couple of seconds, so being able to control your protector easily has become a real must nowadays. Furthermore, AVG have introduced a new feature called LinkScanner, that quietly protects users while surfing the internet or using search engines. Another new addition to the program, the AVG Social Networking Protection is in charge of the multiple threats that can appear while socializing online, including the very sensible subject of user privacy.
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011. Review and Download Link
Besides the two new functional additions, the new AVG 2011 promises to allow users to do their work without being bugged every once in a while and even more important, by running in low priority while the system is used by someone. This way, computer performance isn’t affected in any way, with the anti-virus running at a minimum and doing only basic operations when resources are needed and only when the system is idle, the AVG takes its role more seriously, starting computer scans and other such activities. This is called the Smart Scanning feature and it is completed by the AVG Community Protection Network and the AVG Protective Cloud Technology, which help users keep informed regarding any new threats and enhance the provided support, including free updates.
The AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 is obviously cost free and can be downloaded, either for 32-bit systems, or for 64-bit ones, from the following two links:
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 32bit DOWNLOAD:
AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 64bit DOWNLOAD:
To wrap things up and answer the initial question, AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 2011 has everything it needs to be better than the previous editions (such as the AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0.839) and help AVG grow even more on the market. The newly introduced features bring make the program easier to use, less annoying and even more efficient. Taking into consideration that we’re still talking about a free program (just like Avast 5 Anti-virus), it’s very likely that many new users will adopt AVG as their main protection program.
[via My Digital Life]