Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker release date – September 7

Mass Effect 2

This just in. According to Bioware’s Twitter account, the Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker release date has been set for September 7. The Lair of the Shadow Broker is the seventh DLC launched for the original Mass Effect 2 since its January 19, 2010 release date.

In the Lair of the Shadow DLC, Shepard and Liara confront the, oh well… Shadow Broker (hard to see that one coming at ya’). I must admit that that Shadow Broker really didn’t seem like a nice guy so far (you know, for trying to sell Shepard’s body to the Collectors and all), but I guess we’re about to find out more about this “mysterious and sinister” (that’s Bioware’s description) character.

Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker will cost 800 Microsoft/BioWare points. It might not sound like much, but those Mass Effect 2 fans that wanted to keep their game up to the latest developments had to pay almost 1800 so far. Add another 800 for Lair of The Shadow Broker (yep, it’s the most costly ME2 DLC so far) and that’s a total of 2600 points. At a rate of 80 points for $1, that’s a little over $32 dollars. If that screams “overpricing” at you, feel free to drop a comment !

Here are a couple of Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker screenshots:

Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker release date – September 7

Mass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker release date – September 7