iPad iOS 4.2 update coming in November

iPad iOS 4.2 update coming in November

Apple are slowly, but surely starting to be synonym with cool and this is due to the numerous, innovative and sometimes even functional gadgets they keep getting out into the stores. The dozens of copies from different other producers can’t get close to the original and this seems to be the case with a lot of tablets that have invaded the market, but the one that still stands out from the rest is the iPad. Of course, Apple are taking good care of this new diamond of theirs and recently announced the release of the iOS 4.2 update, during their latest get-together with the press.

Although presented with discretion and calm, this update seems to come as a result to the complains and request that have been sent to Apple, regarding the iPad. On the official site, Steve Jobs and his folks from the future announce over 100 new features and innovations that have been included in the new pack. The ones that stand out and are worth mentioning are folder managing, printing and last, but definitely not least multitasking, as we all know how annoying some i-products can be without this feature.

iPad iOS 4.2 update coming in November

The release date for this update has been announced for November and we’re still waiting for a more precise date. One other important thing to add would be that this upgrade will also be available for iPhones, iPods as well as for iPads. A nice treat for i-fans and I might add that although these gadgets tend to get really annoying due to their stubbornness and lack of possibilities to be re-configured, there aren’t many others that can top the slick look and the quality of the touch screens that iPads provide. Stay tuned for more info on this, as soon as it will be made public.